Warframe Best Way To Get Mods

And that’s why we’ve put together this list of the best, most important mods for beginners in Warframe. Although that might just make you wonder what’s next. Well, the idea is to use “fusion” to make these mods as strong as humanly possible. The more you upgrade a mod this way, the better it becomes. Tempo Royale is a stance mod for Heavy Blades, specializing in fast, mobile and smooth spinning attacks. This stance sports more graceful maneuvers than its companion stances, utilizing flips and overhead slashes to attain mobility, ultimately providing opportunities to finish enemies with devastating attacks. Can be equipped on: Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade) Galatine Galatine Prime Gram Gram.

  1. Warframe Best Way To Get Mods Warframe
  2. Best Mods In Warframe
  3. Warframe Best Way To Get Morphics

This guide basically talks about how to get platinum fast for beginners or people starting out in Warframe. For those that have started out already and have a decent amount of platinum, I talk about ways to invest to get more platinum.

Starting Out

When you guys start out, you will have like 50 plat. Note that these starting plat is not tradable, so do w/e you want with your starting plat. When you begin the game as a newbie, there is a few things you will snatch when progressing through the story: Mods, Prime parts, and ship parts. in example:

  • Mods: Berserker, Condition Overload, Etc.
  • Prime Parts: Latron Prime Blueprint, Lex Prime Blueprint, Akstilleto Prime Receiver, Etc.
  • Ship Parts: Mantis Fuselage, Etc.

Be sure you do not sell anything for credits as this will help you hoard for platinum in the next section.

When you first start out to trade you got 2 options. The Trading Chat and the Warframe Market. For those that do not know what the Warframe Market is, the next section has a video with a tutorial or guide on how to use the Warframe Market. I mainly use Warframe Market, so the remainder of this guide will be mostly when you are using the Warframe Market. The trade chat is okay, but how often are you going to be checking the chat? Pretty sure you do not want to spend time sitting there staring at it when you can be farming for plat gain items right? Also note the Warframe Market is frequently being updated so features on the video will change.

  • For the Warframe Market Website.

What to Sell

I have a video here that talks about what exactly you can sell.

When selling items, be sure to note the supply of it. In example how often does DE give it away for free or what updates DE did to make that specific item useless to the point where it is not worth buying at all. An example of this is a new weapon that makes its mark on Warframe, it is so freaking good that rivens are worth putting on. Guess what, the rivens themselves are worth 3000 plat. In another hand, an old weapon of some sort like a Bronco, with very good stats on the riven itself, but terrible weapon in general regardless of stats. The price of that riven would mostly go for 10-50 plat. Catchmoon weapon itself is also another example, back in the day the kitgun was so good everyone used it. With the nerf of the weapon now, it seems Catchmoon riven prices dropped.

Onto what to sell now, so when it comes to mods. I have a high success rate or high customer influx with the following:

Acolyte mods of all types: So every mod acolytes drops, apparently they sell for 5-100p based on what they are. The amount of demand for them is high because Acolytes tend to come once a year it seems based on observation. So be sure to snag em when you can, and do not sell the spares. 5 plat is better than 20 endo or 500 credits.

Berserker: It is pretty obvious why, the chance of obtaining this is pretty slim, but I do get spares here and there from time to time. Ranges around 10-15. Price shifts too much but demand is high.

Condition Overload: hard to get price is same as Berserker.

Rank 8 Mods: This sound weird but any mods that has a high rank or uses way too much endo tends to sell well. Redirection/Primed Mods are great examples here. They normally around 50+ plat. Price changes based on supply.

Sabot Rounds: Hard to get and is a good mod for Archguns. Only obtainable via Fortuna’s Heist mission. Price based on Supply, but mainly around 50p +.

Rivens: Pretty obvious why. Price changes based on supply. Pistol Rivens are the cheapest ones though.

Set mods: like Augur secrets or Vigilante fervor, these have high demand even though they are kind of easy to get on some set mods. So may need to check on the charts to see when it is a good time to sell.

Corrupted: mods from either the Orokin derelict or Baro basically tend to have high demand. Prices change so they can be really cheap or expensive.

keep in mind these are just examples, as I tend to sell lots of other things. Based on these examples you can see that any mods that takes time to get tends to sell fast regardless of the price.

Onto Prime Parts:

Vaulted: So it is pretty obvious all vaulted items are worth selling since the supply is low.

Not Vaulted: These primes will be vaulted in the future, up to you if you want to instantly sell or wait until it is vaulted. For me personally, I waited.

Can’t be vaulted: primes like Lex or Braton won’t be vaulted at all. Reasons is unknown but based on statistics, it never went into the vault and in my theory I think it is so because they are like the first primes or something I think or starting primes. So I assume they will never be vaulted. Just change these to ducats instead of selling them for plat.

Onto misc parts:

Shedu: I tend to sell Shedu currently because it is hard to get and takes awhile to get. This may change in the future, but for now at the time of writing this guide. It has a high demand of it.

Ship parts: Like Mantis Engines of Fuselage. The credits gained from selling is tempting, but I tend to sell it for 5-10 plat because they are hard to get or takes awhile to get. The demand however is low, since ships are mainly for support charges and fashion.

Weapon Parts: Vandal, Wraith, etc. These parts do get high demand because invasions clock in differently ones. So price is pretty low however due to how easy it is to get. Just similar to Shedu, have to wait for it to pop.

Ayantan Scupltures: Endo is hard to get. So its pretty obvious its cheaper to buy endo from Ayantan than directly off the market. Anasas tend to have high demand. Prices change though.

Tips and Tricks

  • Buy low and Sell High: One of the common strategies out there when it comes to making platinum. This requires patience and knowledge of the items you want to buy and sell. Similar to the term “flipping” in Runescape if that still occurs.
  • Hoard and Sell: what this means is you basically hoard all the items and when you see a price raise, you sell them all in large quantities, not bulk. This is not a buy low or sell high because you are not buying anything.
  • Trading Times: Trading can be time consuming, so what I do is I work on my dojo decoration stuff while waiting for people to contact me via Warframe Market. Or just multi task and do other stuff ex. watch youtube.

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  • What is their strength/weakness
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  • When you can (/are allowed to) trade
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  • Limits and restrictions when trading
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Warframe Best Way To Get Mods Warframe

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  • Quick Endo by trading Ayatan Sculptures and how to do this
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  • How to verify in-game account name
  • How to analyze and check prices before putting up order on warframe.market
  • How to add orders (Buy and Sell)
  • How to delete orders
  • How to edit orders
  • How to search specific order in your profile
  • How to show online status to other traders
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  • How to farm Free platinum faster

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  • Shows what the mods do
  • And what they were worth at time of writing the article (will update in the near future)
  • Also shows Polarity of mods
  • Also gives useful Notes about mods of specific types and tips

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The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

Best Mods In Warframe

  • Puncture damage – what it is/does and when to use it
  • Slash damage – what it is/does and when to use it
  • Impact damage – what it is/does and when to use it
  • Finisher damage – what it is/does
  • Corrupted enemy faction in Warframe
  • Elemental damage types in Warframe
    • Cold damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Heat damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Electricity damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Toxin damage – what it is/does and when to use it
  • Elemental Combo damage types – and how to get it
    • Blast damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Corrosive damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Radiation damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Viral damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Magnetic damage – what it is/does and when to use it
    • Gas damage – what it is/does and when to use it
  • Popular elemental combo setups in Warframe
  • In-complete but effective elemental combo setups in Warframe
  • Damage setups vs. specific enemy factions
  • Enemy-faction-specific damage booster mods
  • Stealth attacks in Warframe
  • Punch through mechanic in Warframe
  • Yellow, Orange and Red Crits in Warframe
  • Headshot damage increase in Warframe

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • How to use Forma to alter polarity of mod-slots to upgrade weapons/warframes/companions/archwings
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  • Why Forma is so useful
  • Example for when Forma-ing might be extra useful

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • How to analyze weapon stats and see how to best mod different weapons
  • How to generally empower all stats of a weapon
    • With Multishot
    • Fire-rate
    • (Overall) Damage increase
    • (Punch through)
  • Boltor Prime 3 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Soma Prime 2 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Ignis 5 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Synoid Simulor 4 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Vaykor Hek 2 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Amprex 6 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Atomos 3 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Hikou prime 1 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Telos Akbolto 2 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Stug 4 forma mod-setup examples and information
  • Azima mod-setup ideas and information
  • Melee Weapon Crit modding for infinite stacking damage!
  • Wall attacks explained
  • Spin & Leap attacks explained
  • Parrying explained (blocking projectiles with melee weapon)
  • Charge attacks for 3x Melee damage explained
  • Ground finisher damage to bypass shields and armor explained
  • Stance mods and Melee attack combinations explained

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • Walkthrough of the 6 main syndicates: New Loka, The Perrin Sequence, Arbiters of Hexis, Steel Meridian, Red Veil and Cephalon Suda
  • Briefly introduce Cephalon Simaris syndicate and touch upon the existence of Syndicates at Cetus/Plains of Eidolon
  • Thorough walkthrough of the reward tables of the 6 main Syndicates
  • Pro Tips when it comes to ways of earning standing points with a maximum of 3 of the 6 main syndicates
  • How to Start earning syndicate points at all – and what the requirements are
  • How Hunted by syndicate works and why it can be a good thing
  • How to Rank up with a syndicate – what you get and what is required
  • How to Re-roll syndicates and why you might need to or want to
  • Informing players about Daily Syndicate Standing Missions and how-to/where-to do them

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • Detailed information and tips for Rescue, Spy, Survival, Excavation, Capture, Defense and Mobile Defense missions
  • Also gives Pro tip about how Revivals work in missions and when you should use them and why not more often

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • What extractors are, where to and why use them
  • Different types of extractors and how each type differs from the others
  • How to deploy extractors
  • Limitation of extractors
Warframe Best Way To Get Mods

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • How to hack Grineer encryptions
  • How to hack Corpus encryptions
  • Ciphers and what they are/how to use them

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • What attributes scale a lot with levels for enemies
  • How to deal with these scalings
  • How to adapt mod-setups and builds for high-level Grineer enemy units
  • How to adapt mod-setups and builds for high-level Corpus enemy units
  • How to adapt mod-setups and builds for high-level Infested enemy units
  • How to adapt mod-setups and builds for high-level Corrupted enemy units
  • How Status effect and Crits fair vs. higher-level enemies

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • Title says it all :)

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • What types of Boosters exist in Warframe and what each one does
  • How to get Boosters in Warframe
  • Difference between Resource Drop Chance Booster and Resource Booster explained

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  • What Configurations are in Warframe, where to find them, how to use them and why
  • What Loadouts are in Warframe, what they are useful for, where to find and how to work with them
Warframe Best Way To Get Mods

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • Who/what is Cephalon Simaris
  • Where to find Cephalon Simaris
  • Why earn standing with Cephalon Simaris
  • How to earn standing with Cephalon Simaris
  • Simulacrum Enemy simulator and what it does – and how to get its key and where to enter it once you have key

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • What Vault runs are
  • Why do Vault runs
  • How to do Vault runs
  • What Dragon keys are
  • How to get Dragon keys
  • What the Dragon keys do

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • What is Helminth Charger
  • How to get Helminth Charger

The following nuggets of wisdom can be found in this article:

  • Explains briefly how to do the mission
  • Also shows a youtube video for all the various ayatan sculpture mission varieties and how to complete the various missions

Warframe Best Way To Get Morphics

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